Jan 22, 2010

beinng a Gemini

yin / yang
shiva / shakti

recently I upgraded my music player after several years and been transferring my CD’s to my new I-touch pod! (oh amazing technologies!)

then I realized how my taste in music reflects my personality!
here are two of my top favorite artist (they take my breath away) :

Deva Premal and Miten - Brahma Nandam


Rammstein Mein teil on Wikipedia


  1. Hi, I'm Terrell. I haven't really participated in much commentary on your blog, but I've followed so much of your work on deviantArt that I had no real reason on why I hadn't. So I just wanted to say I think you are a master at your craft. I love what you do. And I think its about time I give you your props instead of just silent admiration.


  2. Terrell
    thank you so much i needed this!


  3. Well, good. Cuz, you got some more props on my blog. I was planning on giving you a mention on my next post. Hope I didn't lay it on too thick. I have a strong penchant for doing that a times. Hope it doesn't embarrass you, but I was being truthful.
